Philippians 2:1-10

Sacrificial living is not quantified by our successes, failures, degree, or recognition. It is quantified by God. Sacrificial living involves the willingness to choose the lowly and the menial instead of striving for the more glamorous. It involves prioritizing God’s agenda and avoids enslavement to human expectations or our own selfish preferences. 

Looking at snippets of Paul’s life in Acts 20:17-24 and Philippians 3:3-16, with all his trials and achievements, we can see how humble he remained and how he encouraged others to live a life of humility.

A Christ-bought heart, out of love for God, longs to do others good. It prioritises God’s Will and Blessings above any human approval or worldly gain, and it humbly submits to God’s maintenance manual so that it can go on serving others for longer – Matthew 6:1-4.

Sacrificial living uses our own unique gifts to bless others. One important aspect of sacrificial living is that we serve God by ministering to those that God sends our way selflessly and at the same time being fully confident that God’s reward is sure. Our aim is to be pleasing to God in all we are given to do and giving Him the glory and not gloating on how our gifts have been a blessing to those we serve or bless – 2 Corinthians 5:9-11 | 2 Corinthians 10:17-18.


  1. Is there a relationship between sacrificial living and humility? Philippians 2:4-8 | Romans 15:1-4.
  2. Why is humility important to God? Psalm 10:4 | Psalm 51:17 | James 4:6-10 | 1 Peter 5:5-7.
  3. What is a good example of humility in the Bible?
  4. Can I be greatly used of God and still be humble? List some benefits of remaining humble.
  5. What are the consequences of pride? How easy is it to slide into pride without knowing? Give examples.
  6. How can my lifestyle impact on the world around me? John 13:13-15.


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